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Miss Brazil Universe 2011 - 27 Finalists of Miss Brazil Universe 2011

Road to Miss Brazil Universe 2011

Miss Brazil Universe 2011 are already in São Paulo. They will have a full agenda in the next 2 weeks, and the big final will happen on July 23

The 27 states representatives who will compete for the title of Miss Brazil Universe 2011 are already in São Paulo:

ACRE - Danielle Knidel (Porto Acre)
ALAGOAS - Stéfanie Carvalho (Piranhas)
AMAPÁ - Josiene Lima (Pracuúba)
AMAZONAS - Tammy Cavalcante (Manaus)
BAHIA - Gabriella Marcelino (Simões Filho)
CEARÁ - Anastácia Duarte (Fortaleza)
DIST. FEDERAL - Alessandra Baldini (Cruzeiro)
ESP. SANTO - Marcela Granato (Vitória)
GOIÁS - Wiviany Oliveira (Goianira)
MARANHÃO - Nayanne Ferres (São Luís)
MATO GROSSO - Jéssica Duarte (Rondonópolis)
M. GROSSO DO SUL - Raíza Vidal (Ivinhema)
MINAS GERAIS - Izabela Drumond (Belo Horizonte)
PARÁ - Ana Paula Padilha (Castanhal)
PARAÍBA - Priscilla Durand (Conde)
PARANÁ - Gabriela Pereira (Umuarama)
PERNAMBUCO - Leidiane Vasconcelos (Santa Cruz do Capibaribe)
PIAUÍ - Renata Lustosa (Campo Maior)
RIO DE JANEIRO - Mariana Figueiredo (Teresópolis)
RIO GRANDE DO NORTE - Daliane Menezes (Parnamirim)
RIO GRANDE DO SUL - Priscila Machado (Farroupilha)
RONDÔNIA - Aline Cabral (Ji-Paraná)
RORAIMA - Nel Anne Rodrigues (Boa Vista)
SANTA CATARINA - Michelly Bohnen (Blumenau)
SÃO PAULO - Rafaela Butareli (Marília)
SERGIPE - Danielle Paes (Aruana)
TOCANTINS - Jaqueline Verrel (Porto Nacional)

Special thanks and credits to GlobalBeauties &

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)


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